The Ramblings of Hareta

In all honesty, this blog will consist of my randomized thoughts and not much else. I will try to post more frequently!!

Payback Time

Alright, you know you want to do this. George Zimmerman has signed up to participate in a boxing match for charity. I mean, who doesn't want to beat this guy into a pulp? The best part is, he doesn't have an opponent yet! According to his former MMA instructor, Zimmerman isn't a very good fighter, which means you would have a better chance of clobbering him. He is currently keeping the charity under wraps, but he has said that it involves animal rescue. There isn't a reason NOT to sign up! The match is apparently on March 1st, so be ready to either participate or watch it on Pay-per-view. One of the other hopeful opponents is none other than rapper The Game, who wants to fight in the name of Trayvon Martin. Heck, The Game even has a tattoo of Martin on his leg! And if you don't want to fight, Zimmerman has also taken up painting and is selling his works on eBay for about $100,000. Yep.